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3. The O.S.E.S. Cycle and other Interlevel Parallelisms



Following are several major Interlevel Parallelisms which, though valid in essence and to the first degree of approximation only, seem sufficiently consistent to render them useful for predictive purposes, particularly regarding future developments on the National and Planetary levels.

There are many more interlevel parallelisms “ further thinking and future research shall reveal. But the following, for now, should suffice:

3-1 Differentiated Cooperation

The deepest essence of society is Differentiation and Cooperation, or the well known Division of Labour. The molecules within our cells do it, the cells within our bodies do it, we do it in our cities, our cities do it in our nations, and our nations do it, to various extents, in our world.

I believe that differentiated cooperation amongst the nations is the way to unify the world, the way to peace.

I further believe that international lines will gradually dissolve due to the fast developing World Wide Web, economic interconnectedness, technological interdependencies, global environmental problems, and the tangible need for international cooperation in space exploration.


3-2 Organ-ism

All organisms and societies alike have internal organs. Cells have organelles, our bodies have organs, our societies have social organs, and the nations may become the world organs of the Planetary Organism Earth.


3-3    20 Subsystems per Living System

James Greer Miller states in his book [Living Systems] that any Living System can be functionally analyzed in terms of its 19 subsystems: - the Boundary, the Ingestor, the Distributor, the Input Transducer, the Internal Transducer, the Output Transducer, the Converter, the Producer, the Matter-Energy Storage, the Extruder, the Motor, the Supporter, the Channel and Net, the Decoder, the Associator, the Memory, the Decider, the Encoder and the Reproducer.

I would add one more subsystem which rounds them up to 20 “ the Evolver.

This is about as detailed a presentation of differentiated cooperation as Ive seen, and holds true for the cell, the metazoan, the city, the nation, as well as, I believe, the Earth.


3.4   Cells in the Knuckle

Around 7:30 p.m., January 20, 1998, I was returning to my car parked in an alley in the West End district of Vancouver after visiting my parents, when I was approached by a tall man in a camouflage jacket who asked me if I was Toney Mars. As soon as I said yes, he launched a lightning-fast fist-attack against my head and face, hair-line-fracturing my cheekbone and eye socket, cutting my lips and bloodying my nose. Although I had some martial arts training, there was no time to react, and by the time I began to consider turning the other cheek, he was gone, but not before growling in my ringing ear, "Take this as a lesson, you son-of-a-bitch."

The next day, my face was swollen and throbbing and black and blue. But brotherly love moved me to envision his knuckles, which was probably somewhat cut and bruised as well, poor soul.

Poor knuckle cells, to be more exact, many of whom must also have perished, propelled by his deranged brain to their demise, like foot soldiers sent to their deaths by their generals in attacking a neighbouring, peaceful nation.


3.5   Social Ecosystem

Another common misconception is that an organism pertains to only one species.

Most cells contain organelles called mitochondria and plastids, which carry their own DNA, and are considered to be "domesticated bacteria". Many metazoans, rabbits for example, harbour beneficial bacteria within themselves, which enables them to digest cellulose, without which the rabbits would die of starvation. Many termite mounds contain specific species of fungi upon which the termites feed, and in the guts of many termites live specific species of bacteria that aid in their digestion of wood. To top them all are of course human societies, most containing hundreds of domesticated plant and animal species “ cells like yeast, metazoans like cows, and citians like bee-hives and even other human tribal cultures. One species of citian organism may contain hundreds of species of metazoans within.

OmniScience calls them Social Ecosystems.


3.6   Multilevel Evolution

A species is multileveled. Homo sapiens, for example, comprises the molecular species of human DNA, the cellular species of human cells, the metazoan species of human beings, and many species of human civilizations. To speak of "national species" may not make too much sense for the moment, but if we take a broader view and include "alien nations" in our consideration, the notion would appear not only sensible, but also necessary.

Evolution, then, occurs on all levels together, even within the same organism.

The molecules of Homo sapiens do evolve through time, as do its cells, metazoan bodies, cities and nations, simultaneously. Even the changes from the Spirit of St. Louis to the F-18, and from the Flat Earth model to the Big Bang theory, are all integral parts of human evolution.


3.7   Evolution of Evolution

Lamarck vs. Darwin was one of the greatest scientific battles of the 19th Century.

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck believed that evolutionary changes occur within the organism, and these changes are passed on to the offspring. A giraffe, for example, lengthens its neck by reaching with it, and the amount lengthened is inherited by its offspring, so Lamarck believed.

Charles Darwin believed that evolutionary changes occur between generations. These changes are variations amongst offspring, the "fittest" of which being favoured by natural selection for survival to propagate its tributes. The giraffe, for example, gives birth to offspring with various neck-lengths resulting from genetic recombination and/or mutation (as we now know it). The one with the longest neck would have a higher probability of survival and successful propagation of the longer-necked gene.

Darwin won. But only on the Molecular, Cellular, Metazoan, and the Citian (termite cities) levels.

Lamarckian evolution is the way to go on the Citian level (human cities) and National level, although Darwinian evolution may still apply. A civilization can certainly make changes within itself (e.g. Britain through older history), which can certainly be passed on to its offspring (Canada, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, even Hong Kong).

The speed of evolution increases from lower levels to higher levels. Today, on the National level, evolution is lightning fast, hurtling toward Earths cosmic destiny.


3.8   O.S.E.S. Cycle of I.T. Spiral

This is the most momentous interlevel parallelism conceived to date, and likely forever.

Not only does Transcendental Integration, which leads to Integrative Transcendence, occur on all levels of organization, which in itself is monumental, but it occurs in the form of a spiral that goes up from level to level, from at least as low as the Molecular to at least as high as the Planetary. Further, as Integrative Transcendence spirals itself from level to level, it undergoes a 4-stage cycle called O.S.E.S..

OSES is the acronym for the four quadrants of Integrative Transcendence.

The best way to envision the OSES-Cycle-of-the-IT-Spiral is to see it in action. So lets beginning with the origin of life on Earth “ the formation of the first cellular organism.

Cycle 1:

1-A The formation of the first cellular organism can be pin-pointed at the formation of the lipo-protein cell membrane enclosing the first IT-successful molecular societies. Equipped with the membrane, the first cellular organisms had the distinct advantage over the unprotected molecular societies in that they were the first ones to be able to emerge from the clay substrata into the open water, or, more precisely, the open Primordial Soup, without being torn apart by hydrodynamic forces, or simply dissolved. This first quadrant of the Cellular level is called Organismization “ the O in OSES.

1-B Having thus been liberated, the members of this original cellular species were carried by currents to the far corners of the oceans, and into vastly diverse geo-climatic zones. The result of diverse environmental pressures on the species in question is to bring about its divergent evolution, from the original species to a broad spectrum of descendent species. This second quadrant of the Cellular level is called Speciation “ the first S in OSES.

1-C With the passage of time, the myriad descendent species and their own descendent species would reconverge at various locales, forming a great diversity of original ecosystems, in which the species would continue to evolve, and co-evolve. This third quadrant of the Cellular level is called Ecosystemization “ the E in OSES.

1-D Within some of these ecosystems, some of the species would develop sociality and form cellular societies of their own. This fourth quadrant of the Cellular Level is called Socialization “ the second S in OSES.

At some point in their development, some of these cellular societies would organismize into the first metazoan organisms, thus integratively transcending themselves on to the first quadrant of the Metazoan level.

Without belabouring you with repetition after repetition, suffice to say that the OSES Cycle would, and did, repeat itself in the IT Spiral from level to level, through the eons, from the molecules all the way up to the United Nations, and further still, towards the organismization of the planet Earth.



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